Passive versus Active
Some team members are very passive in their work. They are not proactive and take less initiative to think things ahead.
In order for them to start moving, they need to be told what to do in the next activities.
Depending on organizations, some not so developed countries such as Manila, China, India, the people like to be informed or given specific instructions. And they will follow the instructions strictly with full faith and no hesitation.
It is very similar to those military styles in the past, it’s just like 1-command 1-action. Any extra actions will invite unnecessary punishment.
There is this supplier overseas; I need him to implement a device in the coming weekend. However, as per any implementation practice, prior implementation the supplier needs to complete a work permit document and to produce an approved diagram.
However, when the supplier was asked to produce the 2 documents, he kept pushing back when he hits an obstacle. He will revert to me and say that “My team have not been able to produce the electrical diagram because the assigned engineer is not around to draw the diagram.” I then replied to him, “Don’t you have any engineer that can assist? Is your additional engineer being able to do the drawing?”
He replied “Oh! I have not checked !”
Some project managers will say this is too cumbersome and it seems to be doing for their work. However, as a Project Manager, if you are not able to use this checklist to guide the team members or narrow down the activities accountability, the project schedule will be delayed. It’s better to draft the checklist once and can use it in other similar related project.
Draft out a detailed activity list or checklist so that it is easy to follow. This checklist is able to transfer to any new team member who just took over the role able to understand what needs to be done and continue the job.
Lesson Learn: Create or provide a complete checklist for the project team members to follow. Seek them to complete prior asking for external assistance.