Dennis Kwan or Engineer – Resource Name

Dennis Kwan or Engineer – Resource Name

Many a times, due to time constraints, it is so convenient for Project Manager to list down the collective resource name under the “Resource column” in Microsoft Project.

Although there is no right or wrong action to indicate a collective noun, however that is not a good practice. On the safer side, it is ideal to put down the actual resource name. It is easier to identify who is the person that is accountable when there is a known owner for that task. If there is a delay in that task, some resource name can be identified.

If the resource is a collective noun such as “Finance team”, “Engineer”. There are so many members within that department. No one will know who is really responsible for that task. No one will take up the ownership to fulfill that task.

The good practice is to insert the Engineer’s name to the resource, adjacent to the task or activity. Such as

Correct Practice – “Draft Design” taken care by John Smith
Wrong Practice – “Draft Design” taken care by Engineer

In terms of communication, Project Manager is also aware which particular resource to call or check status.


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